As part of my 300 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training, we are studying the yoga sutras in depth over the course of 2022. Today’s first Sutra Study was about Sutra 1.1: Atha yoga anushasanam: Now, the teachings of yoga. What does this mean? All yoga teachings begin and end in the now. This moment, right now, is all that there is.
Each week I invite my students to reflect on one sutra, what it means to us, and how it is integrated in our lives. The beautiful thing is I get to participate as well.
This week I had a powerful experience of the now. My phone number and data officially got cut off since my UAE residence visa expired. At first I just thought my signal wasn’t good because I live in the jungle… then I thought it was because I hadn’t paid my last payment so I paid and waited for it to restart…and it never restarted. It took me a few days to realize that this must be the reason it wasn’t restarted. It was cancelled. (Thanks for the notice 🤣😜)….
But in that time… I got space. I sat in the now with people around me. I had to find my own way home without data. One day I walked for an hour from yoga to my villa, testing my own navigation skills of Ubud. I found I actually loved slowing down, noticing the street around me, speaking to people I met - rather than capturing every moment for an Instagram story. I had to embrace the moment. I had to problem solve without things at the touch of my fingertips. I said to my friend today… I feel like this has happened for a reason - to teach me the power of the now.
Every time I got back to my phone I had approx. 173931818 notifications, which prompted me to reflect a lot on boundaries and organizational systems. And I made a really exciting decision tonight. Up until now my personal phone has also been my business phone. As of tomorrow, that changes. I get a personal phone and the only person who I’ll give my number to is my mom! 🤣 JK.
But im so excited to set up this boundary. Now I can leave my work phone locked up in my office and go out and enjoy the moment. ❤️✨🙏🏻 If I am a Yoga Teacher Educator I have to walk the walk. Not just talk the talk. 1.1 . Atha yoga anushasanam: Now, the teachings of yoga.
