By: Sarah Millman
Photos of Alex McRobs

Last summer, Alex decided to offer a new type of yoga class to celebrate International Yoga Day on June 21st: “Unity” classes!
“Unity” classes offer members of The Mindful Life Practice with a unique flow that combines breathwork, a kundalini style warm-up, Surya Namaskar, a vinyasa flow, yin postures and mantra chanting!
The classes are designed to promote a sensation of feeling grounded, whole and healed!

Left: Alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana)

Right: Seated side bends (part of a Kundalini style warm-up)

Left: Low lunge (Anjaneyasana) with a quad stretch!

Right: Triangle pose (Utthita trikonasana)

Left: Downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Below: Reclined hand to big toe pose (Supta Padangusthasana). Straps are an excellent way to extend our reach! In Supta padangusthasana, using a strap can help to ensure that we don’t overstretch. Additionally, they make it easier for us to keep the back straight.

Left: Pigeon pose (kapotasana)

Right: Reclined pigeon pose (Supta kapotasana). Reclined pigeon pose is a great variation of pigeon pose (pictured above) -especially if you have sensitive knees!
Both poses are an excellent way to provide the body with a hip-opening stretch!
Did you know?
Chanting can help to stimulate the vagus nerve! In Volume 01 of the Mindful Life Magazine, you can read an article by Jules Allen, which details the many benefits of increased vagal tone! Check it out at !
According to a study published in The International Journal of Yoga, researchers found that chanting “OM” can be particularly beneficial for our health!
In fact, chanting “OM” for even as little as five minutes can promote relaxation, decrease stress, increase concentration and lower heart rate and blood pressure.
Below: Chanting with Alex McRobs:

You can access On-Demand “Unity” classes on the Mindful Life app 24/7! Even better, a monthly membership to the MLP is only $19.99! Find it on the App Store or Google Play!