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The Mindful Life Practice Store Ventures Offline!


By Sarah Millman

It was nothing short of being at the right place at the right time for one shipment of MLPC merchandise!

Opportunity strikes!

The Mindful Life Practice’s merchandise had the opportunity to venture offline and into the the real world this Kampung Uma Dawa!

During the in-person, 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program in Bali, there was an MLPC clothing delivery at the same time that one of the YTT instructors noticed an empty clothing rack.

The rest was history! 

MLPC Fashion

The spontaneous clothing store immediately drew in a lot of customers, and the "Sober Girls Yoga” and “Heal” Crop tops, as well as “The Mindful Life Practice” sweatshirts sold out quickly!

Did you know?!

The MLPC offers free international shipping, and 50% of sales on all Merchandise go towards BIPOC and lgbtgia2s+ scholarships, in order to diversify our community.

The Mindful Life Practice's Merchandise

Would you like to purchase clothing from the MLPC Merch Shop?



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