As promised, more MLPC YTT Grads Interview. Meet Andrea. Alex and Andrea met through a sobriety group on Facebook. She’s part of the third MLPC YTT patch. We were interested in finding out more about Andrea’s personal journey, her 200 Hour Soul Aligned Yoga Teacher Trainning with Alex and how/why yoga became part of her life, so I caught up with Andrea for this personal, and very inspiring interview. We hope that this interview will leave you feeling inspired to follow your own dream of becoming a yoga instructor and learn more about our new team member. Enjoy…
Where in the world are you? Tell us more about yourself?
Andrea: Rhode Island, USA. I work as a medical assistant in pediatrics and I’m the secretary for a veteran's organization. Besides yoga, I love spin classes, the ocean, reading, spending time with my husband and fur babies.
How was the Soul Aligned 200 Hour YTT with Alex and what pushed you to become an instructor?
Andrea: My YTT experience was amazing. I had the pleasure of studying with a great group of empowering women. I honestly was held back from becoming a yoga instructor because of the image you have when you think of a typical yoga instructor. After an ankle injury and after giving up alcohol, I wanted to do something to better myself so I decided to sign up for the program and I am so glad that I did.
When did you start practicing yoga (before you started teaching) and how did yoga change your life?
Andrea: I started practicing yoga about 10 years ago. Yoga was instrumental in helping me deal with a stressful job and mental illness. Yoga made me feel empowered and at peace.
If you had to describe your teaching style, how would you?
Andrea: I am still working on harnessing my teaching style. I gravitate towards Hatha style yoga.
What is the intention you try to instill in your students?
Andrea: That yoga is for everyone and every body type. Yoga is a state of being present and in tune with your mind and body. Who cares what the next person is doing or how well they are holding a pose. Tune into yourself and be present for your own practice.
“My YTT experience was amazing. I had the pleasure of studying with a great group of empowering women. I honestly was held back from becoming a yoga instructor because of the image you have when you think of a typical yoga instructor.”
What is your favorite posture? Your least favorite posture?
Andrea: My favorite is pigeon pose, I feel like it's always a great stretch. My least favorite is any balancing pose. I have horrible balance!
What is your favorite Mat? And why?
Andrea: I honestly didn't know this was a thing! I love TJ Maxx for all of my yoga accessories!
Set the scene for your perfect practice - paint us a picture!
Andrea: My perfect practice would be a sunrise or sunset yoga on the beach. My favorite beach is in Narragansett, Rhode Island and there is a beautiful stone wall on one side and a stone building that is stunning.
What’s the biggest myth about yoga instructors? Set the record straight!
Andrea: That they are skinny fit blondes with perfect posture and they can execute every pose flawlessly. I am not thin and athletic, I practice yoga in whatever is comfortable and if I'm having a hard time with a pose, I will take child's pose without worry.
What will you be teaching next?
Andrea: I am hoping Poses and Pages [Andrea’s new Sober Flow class name], the book club and yoga class, is a success and I can keep it going with a new book each season. If not, I would like to do something with the chakras.
Any advice to newbies teachers/students? (And oldies?)
Andrea: If you're thinking of trying yoga or thinking of becoming a yoga teacher, do it! Do it for yourself, you won't regret it! Keep working on poses that you struggle with. Try new poses or styles. Change things up.
Where do you see yoga in the next five years?
Andrea: I hope that more people start a yoga practice to help with mental health, stress, addiction, family bonding. I hope yoga spreads more to all ages, body types, and cultures. As for me I hope to be a stronger yoga teacher in the coming years.
Thank you Andrea for this awesome interview. Are you a fan of Holly Whittaker’s Quit Like a Woman & Yoga? Join Andrea for her Free Sober Flow 1 (Poses & Pages) class this Late Fall Season every Monday and Friday. This will be a one hour class where we will spend the first half of class discussing the popular quit lit book, Quit Like A Woman; The radical choice to not drink in a culture obsessed with alcohol, by Holly Whitaker. There will also be a journal prompt. The last half of the hour we will spend in a gentle warrior series flow.
Thank you for reading our blog interview. Leave a comment or question in the comments section below. See you soon.
May you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.