Meet Nadia. Our most featured on the blog. If you’ve ever been to one of our classes you probably have seen a Zoom square with her name on it. Nadia was one of last few to take Alex’s live yoga classes before the world went into lockdown due to Covid-19 here in Abu Dhabi. Then Nadia joined Alex‘s online adventure when she founded the MLPC last year and still holds the most attended classes and the All-Stars badge. She later joined some of the live yoga events when the restrictions eased and now she‘s done with the Soul Aligned 200 Hour YTT with Alex. The two have been through hard times together and now are very good friends.
Famous for her love of core exercises, Nadia made it to pretty much most of the different styles of yoga offered on the MLPC schedule. She is now officially part of the MLPC team as of next Back to School Season starting this Sunday September 5th, 2021. It’s only fitting to get to know her as our new yoga teacher, here’s her answers...
Where in the world are you? Tell us more about yourself?
Nadia: I am born and raised in Abu Dhabi, I am a free spirited person who loves yoga to the core. I am a small time co-owner of a healthy home bakery and instead of reading books I choose vide games and anime (but I do enjoy a good book now and then).
How was the Soul Aligned 200 Hour YTT with Alex and what pushed you to become an instructor?
Nadia: The Soul Aligned 200 Hour YTT with Alex was the best learning experience ever, she taught us everything and more besides that we had endless discussions around our lessons which made everything more interesting. She integrated practicing yoga with my life from the principles to postures but most importantly it was fun. Alex gave me the confidence to pursue this, I never thought I could be an instructor but I got inspired by her and the thought of sharing this beautiful practice with the world feels right.
When did you start practicing yoga (before you started teaching) and how did yoga change your life?
Nadia: I started practicing yoga back in 2019 so I am fairly new to it but from the first class ever it sparked something within me and my first class was with Alex herself. Yoga changed everything in my life, it aids my mental health, it keeps me in shape and most importantly it reminds me of how to live life with a positive yet realistic perspective.

If you had to describe your teaching style, how would you?
Nadia: My teaching style would definitely be “whatever you feel like today”, we all have days where we can do more and other days where we just don’t so it will be a mixture of everything in one. I will throw in some challenges to strengthen and deep stretches for relief.
What is the intention you try to instill in your students?
Nadia: Mental health is as important as physical health. Love yourself and others, be kind to yourself and others, you are stronger and capable of more than you think, yoga is a safe space and resting is training too.
What is your favorite posture? Your least favorite posture?
Nadia: I have so many I can’t pick one honestly, depends on the day. My least favorite for now is fish posture.
What is your favorite Mat? And why?
Nadia: The Lululemon reversible yoga mat, it has a really good grip and cushioning for my knees.
Set the scene for your perfect practice - paint us a picture!
Nadia: An open space with a dramatic landscape with mountains and valleys by sunrise, cool breeze of spirituality brushing on me and I am surrounded by a loving community.
“Mental health is as important as physical health. Love yourself and others, be kind to yourself and others, you are stronger and capable of more than you think, yoga is a safe space and resting is training too.”
What’s the biggest myth about yoga instructors? Set the record straight!
Nadia: We are not zen… we have normal day to day issues, we stress and get mad we have normal responses, we struggle with mental and physical issues too if we have any but we choose to take what yoga taught us to deal with it all.
What will you be teaching next?
Nadia: I’d like to focus on the first two limbs of yoga the yamas and niyamas, teaching people that might help them approach things differently in life.
Any advice to newbies teachers/students? (And oldies?)
Nadia: Take in all you get from yoga at your own pace and most importantly have fun!!!
Where do you see yoga in the next five years?
Nadia: Hopefully everywhere for everyone, from children to seniors around the world.
Thank you so much Nadia for this wonderful interview! It’s so great to see you evolve the way you did and I just can’t wait to take your classes next season. If you’d like to join Nadia’s two classes make sure you reserve your spot and book for your season pass with the link below
If you’d like to know more about Nadia the student go to this link. Thank you all for your continued support. Have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comment section below.
See you soon, may you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.