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Community Interview #43: Perry Devaney

Writer's picture: Yasir - VAYasir - VA

Meet Perry! One of the amazing Deep Dive into Yoga Students. We wouldn’t feel complete without sharing the story of one of our YTT students. Perry joined us for the whole of The Challenge to Recovery Program. We were interested in getting to know her a little bit more, here’s another start for this month…

Hi Perry! Tell us a little bit about yourself! Who is Perry?

I am an ever evolving stay at home mom with three boys living in the suburbs of Chicago.

How did you meet Alex?

I met Alex after googling Sober Yoga. I somehow knew that sobriety and yoga together were going to get me back on track towards the kind of life I would like to lead. I have done a bit of both over the years - but this combination seems magical to me. I happily emailed Alex during what is now known to me as my last trip with my dad before he passed away.

Have you ever had any experience with yoga before joining the MLPC?

I have done yoga on and off over the years. I missed going to a studio so much during COVID. As soon as mine opened back up I returned to my mat, and for the first few months I shed many tears. I also do a lot of mobility work. I have learned that with age that mobility, stretching, and yin yoga are key to living a vibrant life.

What’s your connection to the MLPC?

I am currently in the 108 Day Program with an amazing group of women, and also the Deep Dive!

How did you end up being so committed to yoga?

Yoga to me is non negotiable in life. It started as something new to try, is critical for my mobility and ability to participate in other sport, and now it has become a place of spirituality, wisdom, longevity, and growth.

Did you face any challenges when you did your 30 Day Challenge?

My biggest challenge in August was the sudden and unexpected death of my father. This occurred 19 days into the challenge. Being part of this group has helped to give me the strength and calm not only to myself but to my mother and my children that we will all need as we navigate our lives without his physical presence.

What are the biggest benefits you’ve reaped from your yoga practice?

My biggest have been from mobility, breathwork, and acceptance. Knowing that I can show up on my mat in whatever way I am that day. The biggest benefits are yet to come as I focus on all the limbs of yoga, not just the asanas.

"I somehow knew that sobriety and yoga together were going to get me back on track towards the kind of life I would like to lead."

What’s your favorite posture?

My favorite posture(s) are headstand and Happy Baby!

What’s your most difficult posture?

My most difficult pose is anything that involves me balancing on my left foot - there is something going on there.

What is your favorite type(s) of yoga? And why?

My favorite yoga had been Hot (Bikram) Yoga. I am a fiery Pitta and so attracted to the heat. That’s not really the best yoga for me, but it got me to start a practice. Now my favorite is Yin. I love Yin because I do so many other sports like running, CrossFit, Pilates, rowing, and tennis - I really need the Yin to restore an calm. And having three active crazy boys, a husband that travels, and two dogs, I could use more calm.

Any words of wisdom to those just starting out?

My words of wisdom would be just take the first step onto the mat. Don’t worry about what you look like, how good you are. As Alex says, don’t worry about which way you are facing, it’s always the right way. Allow the mat and the wisdom of yoga to support you and little, by little, in barely discernible ways, over time, you will get where you want to be. Even if it means you rest your head in Child’s pose and cry for the full hour - your body and your mat will gently and lovingly, guide and support you.

This article was originally published in the January Issue of the Sober Girls Yoga Magazine. Click here to read the full magazine.

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