Meet Carolyn. Our amazing friend from UK. We love her energy in our classes. Carolyn has recently finished the 30 Hour Sober Curious Yoga Teacher Trainning. Get to know her a little more…
Hi Carolyn! Tell us a little bit about yourself! Who is Carolyn?
Carolyn: I am 60 in December and by then I will have been sober for 2 years. I'm grateful to live in a village in North Wales with the sea one side and Snowdonia mountain range on the other. I love learning new things about myself after a wilderness of over 40 years of drinking. This year I've camped alone, worked at festivals as a steward, kayaked up the West Coast of Scotland, done the fastest zip wire in the world, been interviewed livestreamed to Instagram, taken some sober friends up the highest mountain in Wales, and will be travelling alone to Bali in November.
How did you meet Alex?
Carolyn: I first met Alex when she joined a meeting with Bee Sober CIC, a sober community based in the UK with members from all over the world.
What inspired you to start practicing yoga?
Carolyn: I decided to try yoga after a friend started the 200 hour YTT with Alex this year. I was curious about whether I could do it.
Have you ever had any experience with yoga before joining the MLPC?
Carolyn: Some years ago I had attended a yoga class but it was too advanced for me and left me feeling inadequate.
What’s your connection to the MLPC?
Carolyn: I am a member of MLPC as I joined after doing some of the free classes in April 2022.

How did you end up being so committed to yoga?
Carolyn: I love the way yoga makes me feel, not just physically but emotionally too.
Did you face any challenges during the month of August?
Carolyn: I face challenges all the time, but it all depends how I respond to the challenges. If I have a hard day I journal lots, do some easy yoga, and get out into nature.
What are the biggest benefits you’ve reaped from your yoga practice?
Carolyn: I feel calmer, more connected to my body and emotions.

What’s your favorite posture?
Carolyn: Happy baby!
What’s your most difficult posture?
Carolyn: Half moon is my nemesis but I will get there. There are many poses beyond my capabilities right now, but I'm ok with that.
What is your favorite type(s) of yoga? And why?
Carolyn: I am unsure of my favorite kind of yoga as I haven't fully explored them all yet. I enjoy Hatha, Restorative and Yin.
Any words of wisdom to those just starting out?
Carolyn: For anyone starting out with sobriety I would say be fully committed, work on your mindset, be kind to yourself, find your [community], ask for help, stay connected, and reward your achievements. For anyone starting out with yoga I would say listen to your teachers, only do what you are comfortable with, don't be afraid of falling, there is no such thing as failure, and practice as much as possible. Your yoga mat is your self-care space, and we all deserve self-care, then we can care for others too.
Thank you Carolyn for this awesome interview! Can’t wait to see more of you! You can catch her in one of our awesome classes!
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May you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.