Meet Alessandra. Our new Canadian expat living in Italy. She joined our August 30 Day Challenge and very fast became a familiar face in our classes. A few days ago she invited us to organize a retreat in one of her properties in Italy and we might just take her on that offer, wouldn’t it be great to do a retreat in Italy? We’re so happy to feature her on our blog this week! Get to know our new gained friend and community member…
How did you meet Alex?
I literally googled “good yoga podcasts” and she was one of the first ones that popped up. The first day I listened to nearly 5 hours and I was hooked! Then I googled Alex and the MLPC and loved the community!
What inspired you to start practicing yoga?
At the beginning- I wanted to be flexible! haha
Have you ever had any experience with yoga before joining the MLPC?
I have been doing yoga on and off for 10 years.
What’s your connection to the MLPC?
When I first was introduced to the MLPC I was a constant reader of every part of the website, many many times. Finally I convinced myself I was ready for the 30 day challenge. Loved it, loved Alex, loved the community. I am now switching over to the monthly membership.. and it is safe to say I am a lifer!
How did you end up being so committed to yoga?
Once I realized all of the different benefits. And that there is a style to fit anyway you are feeling I was hooked.
Did you face any challenges during the month of August?
My challenge for the month of August was staying committed to my 30 day yoga challenge!
What are the biggest benefits you’ve reaped from your yoga practice?
I feel finally wake up feeling good!
What’s your favorite posture?
What’s your most difficult posture?
What is your favorite type(s) of yoga? And why?
I love all types of yoga- depending on what/how I am feeling that day
Any words of wisdom to those just starting out?
Give it time. Try different styles, different teachers... you will find one you fall in love with!
We’re so fortunate to have you join our community. Make sure to catch Alessandra in one of our classes.
Leave us a comment or question below. Find us access social media for the latest; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok & YouTube!
As always I leave you with, may you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.