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Community Interview #30: Sarah

Writer's picture: Yasir - VAYasir - VA

Meet Sarah. She’s been a long time friend and member of the MLPC. Sarah and Alex met online on a sober group. That’s when Sarah joined one of Alex’s yoga classes and they became good friends. They share one thing in common, being sober coaches and helping others quitting alcohol. Oh and they both host their own podcasts! She’s been offering free workshops with the MLPC for the past three seasons and was featured twice on the Sober Yoga Girl Podcast, one as a guest and another as the interviewer interviewing Alex on her celebrating 1,000 days sober. She loves to join the Mindful Let Go and Manifestation every Sunday (and sometimes with Khaled for Hypnotic Meditation). She was gratuitous enough to answer our blog questions. So without any further ado, presenting our star for the week…

Hi Sarah! Tell us a little bit about yourself! Who is Sarah?

Sarah: Hi, I'm Sarah, a Sobriety Coach, mentor and trainer. I'm retired from drinking but not from fun-My extrovert 'last on the dancefloor' days are behind me now and I'm embracing a joyful life without a reliance on alcohol for socialising and relaxing. At the weekend I can be found lifting weights, watching Ted lasso with my kids or walking my dog. I can't get enough tea, cake or bright, bright colours. I love to record my weekly podcast Drink Less; Live Better, speak at events and train new recovery coaches but my number one passion is working 1:1 with clients to transform their relationships with alcohol for good!

How did you meet Alex?

Sarah: I met Alex in 2019 in an online community group, we became friends.

What inspired you to start practicing yoga?

Sarah: I joined Alex’s yoga classes and love her sunny personality and lust for life!

What’s your connection to the MLPC?

Sarah: I've loved watching Alex grow the MLPC right from the early days and am so happy to see it flourish.

What is your favorite type(s) of yoga? And why?

Sarah: My favourite type of yoga is the type where I just lie on my mat and close my eyes! Yin [Mindful Let Go] or Manifestation yoga is what I always look out for.

What’s your favorite posture?

Sarah: My favourite posture is pigeon.

Any words of wisdom to those just starting out?

Sarah: My words of wisdom would be; try lots of different classes find what really suits you/your body!


Thank you Sarah for being our star on the blog this week. We’re so happy you’re part of our community and we can’t wait to see you Sunday. Catch Sarah every Sunday in Manifestation class as well keep an eye on the schedule for her sober workshop once every month. Check out the schedule below

Appreciate your awesome time reading our blog. Have a question or comment? Well you’re in luck as we have the place for that below :)

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See you soon, until then, may you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.


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