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Community Interview #28: Izzy

Writer's picture: Yasir - VAYasir - VA

Meet Izzy. Our amazing friend who joins us from Spain. Izzy first joined us when we started our first season (Summer Season 2021) and has been part of our community ever since. With her bubbly personality we love having her in our classes. We wanted to get to know her beyond her yoga mat and Zoom square, here’s our star for the week…

Hi Izzy! Tell us a little bit about yourself! Who is Izzy?

Izzy: Hi! I’m an ex-pat living in sunny Marbella where I live with my little family of 3 (5 if you count our cats 😉). Been on my sober journey since May 2019, which is when I dived into the world of non-alcoholic drinks and made it my goal to try every N/A bubbly on the market haha You can find all about my bubbly journey on Instagram at @mybubblypop. This May I’m also organising my first Sober Paradise Retreat in Tarifa, Spain. I decided it would be awesome to offer a beautiful, sunny setting where sober peeps can meet each other, connect and have a laugh! For more info you can check out my Instagram account @soberfuninthesun or my blog: 🙂

How did you meet Alex?

Izzy: I found Alex on Insta! I stumbled upon her sober yoga account and haven’t looked back since!! Love Alex, she’s such a bubbly and authentic person, she has a great energy...

What inspired you to start practicing yoga?

Izzy: Alex did! Was just curious what it was all about, this sober yoga...

Have you ever had any experience with yoga before joining the MLPC?

Izzy: No! Never had a class in my life.

What’s your connection to the MLPC?

Izzy: I’m just enjoying your classes 🙂 Oh and I did a podcast with Alex last week! [YAY! Can’t wait for the episode to come out].

How did you end up being so committed to yoga?

Izzy: I suffer from OCD and overthinking and I’ve tried meditation sooo many times to get my brain to chill, but this never worked. I can’t really seem to get into it... And then I found yoga! Because you’re busy with your body, I find it easier to ‘empty’ my mind while doing that. With just meditating I didn’t get there because I kept thinking and thinking and thinking...

Did you face any challenges during the month of March?

Izzy: I find it really hard to be selfishly focusing on myself these days, without feeling guilty about the terrible, terrible things that are happening in the world right now. Ukraine being a big one. It is quite close-by and the war there is having quite an impact on my mental state. Who am I to complain about mundane stuff while people there are fleeing their homes for safety?!? Makes me very emotional.

What are the biggest benefits you’ve reaped from your yoga practice?

Izzy: Clearing my mind...

What’s your favorite posture?

Izzy: I love Childs Pose to relax and Warrior 2 to look cool haha

What’s your most difficult posture?

Izzy: Most of them LOL

What is your favorite type(s) of yoga? And why?

Izzy: I still don’t really know the names of different types of yoga, sorry!

Any words of wisdom to those just starting out?

Izzy: Yes! I always found the idea of yoga sooo boring... Until I got sober and tried it one day, just to see what all the fuzz was about. OMG! It relaxes me so much, it really grounds me. I look so much forward nowadays to my weekly class with Matt! So much actually that I decided to take two classes a week from now on 😉


Thank you so much for joining us and being part of the community and we can’t wait to see you more! Catch Izzy Sunday in one of our classes. Check out the schedule below for your time zone.

Thank you for your continued support! Leave a comment or question in the comments section below. See you soon.

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Until next time, may you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.


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