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All-Stars Interview #4: MJ

Writer: YasirYasir

Meet MJ, one of the May 30 Day Challengers! MJ does a lot of Ashtanga yoga so he was really mixing it up when he decided to join The MLPC and take part in the variety of classes like Power Yoga, Stress Release & Gentle Flow.

I got the chance to ask him a few questions about his experience with the MLPC 30 day challenge in May, a monthly yoga challenge where participants complete 30 days straight of yoga classes (live or archived), in return they’re badges as “All-Stars”.

Here’s what he said about it...

Hi MJ! Tell us a little bit about yourself! Who is MJ?

MJ: Hmm Good question, moved to Abu Dhabi from Toronto more than 10 years ago, while I was here for the past ten years, I started getting more into physical activity and started training Jiu Jitsu in 2013 and after a couple of years started practicing Ashtanga Yoga which became a way to work on my breathing, flexibility and rehabilitate myself from training.

What inspired you to start practicing yoga?

MJ: I’ve always looked up to celebrities like Sting and Mick Jagger who were avid Yoga practitioners and I thought man thats cool I wanna do Yoga someday and eventually tried it with a friend and I enjoyed, and thought it would help me with my flexibility and breathing which it did! So I continued to practice Yoga (Mostly Ashtanga) on and off throughout the years; I’ve been much more committed this year.

Have you ever had any experience with yoga before joining the MLPC?

MJ: Yeah, I would say I was intermediate level before joining the MLPC.

What’s your connection to the MLPC?

MJ: I met Alex when she was teaching as a sub for Yoga in the Umm Emarat Park In Abu Dhabi on Saturdays, glad we connected and seeing the MLPC come to fruition!

How did you end up being so committed to yoga in May?

MJ: I’m usually busy training in the afternoons but because of COVID-19 I’ve had more time for Yoga and decided to take the 30 day challenge! The classes were fun and engaging so I was looking forward to each one.

Did you face any challenges during the month of June?

MJ: Just re-adjusting to returning to the office and running a daily 8-10K in the evening.

What are the biggest benefits you’ve reaped from your yoga practice?

MJ: Learning to breathe is the biggest one, knowing that most things can be solved by taking some time and breathing and allowing yourself to grow.

What’s your favorite posture? What’s your most difficult posture?

MJ: Mayurasana (Peacock pose). Tittibhasana is my most difficult poster and my least favourite is boat pose (Navasana Ashtanga Sequence).

MJ in action, exhibiting Mayurasana.

What is your favorite type(s) of yoga?

MJ: Ashtanga and Power Flow, I love Chaturangas and Vinyasas.

Any words of wisdom to those just starting out?

MJ: Just do it! Take things day by day and don’t compare yourself to others, every hour you invest on the mat is a building block for you.


Thank you MJ for joining the May 30 day challenge with the MLPC and hope to see you soon.

Remember to follow the MLPC on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube!

Thank you for checking out this interview! Leave a comment below if you enjoyed it!

Until next time, may you all be safe, happy, healthy, and free.



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